Wednesday 24 December 2014

HSCIC; Code of practice on confidential information published

In September 2013 the HSCIC published a guide to confidentiality in health and social care, which provides patients and health and care staff with clear, accessible guidance on the handling of confidential information.

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The code of practice on confidential information (PDF, 1.3MB) aims to complete the picture by providing good practice guidance to those responsible for setting and meeting organisational policy on the handling of confidential health and care information (e.g. board members).

The code clearly outlines the steps in the information-handling life-cycle that organisations must, should and may take to ensure that confidential information is handled appropriately.

The code applies to any organisation that collects, analyses, publishes or disseminates confidential information, ranging from GP practices and hospital trusts to commissioners and local authorities. The code will help organisations ensure that the right structures and procedures are in place to help front-line staff follow the confidentiality rules.

A consultation on a draft code of practice took place in summer 2014. We have published a response to the consultation feedback (PDF, 2.9MB) which outlines some of the key issues raised and how this feedback was taken forward in the final document.

The code of practice is a living document and we are committed to updating it regularly. We are particularly keen to draw on the experience of other organisations and include more practical examples of practice.

If you are aware of examples we could include in future iterations of the code, or would like to provide feedback on the document, please contact us on tel: 0845 371 3671 or by email to

Source HSCIC

HSCIC; Code of practice on confidential information published

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